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Mahouts Elephant Foundation

Mahouts Elephant Foundation

Keepers are supporting the Mahouts Elephant Foundation because of their fantastic work in improving welfare for Asian elephants, the same species that reside at Woburn safari Park.

Through their scientific research and awareness campaigns the charity is able to help make a change to the welfare of Asian Elephants and their mahouts, keepers want to be able to support this fantastic development and donate money for such an important cause. 

What that charity does?

The Mahouts Elephant Foundation uses scientific research and awareness campaigns to raise awareness about the welfare of working captive Asian Elephants and mahouts. 

The Charity will raise much needed funds to empower mahouts with tools needed to help care for their Asian elephants and support their families 

Mahouts Elephant Foundation Mission

The charity's mission is to promote a change in the tourism industry that enables captive working elephants to return to safe, protected forest environments.

Read more about the Mahouts Elephant Foundation here